Filler injections

Today, a variety of injectable gel for highlighting and shaping the face


PRP platelet plasma containing condensed called the use of PRP from two to three decades ago in different medical fields such as dentistry and maxillofacial surgery, treatment of burns and chronic wounds


The new method is very brilliant results achieved in some cosmetic problems Ast.drayn project method called C.I.T or (Collagen Induction Therapy) be done to increase the concentration of collagen in the skin is surprisingly Tvrhyrt

Rf Frkshnal

Doctors and patients seeking treatments are always safe, painless and more comfortable. When co2 laser and Arybvm introduced to the market with Vjvdmvsrvaq latest problems, including the creation of a long recovery time and less pain caused less popular support once the technology co2 laser Frkshnal was released.

Laser hair removal

Hairy and unwanted hair of the problems that affects many women and even men with the rapid progress made